Our projects
The rehabilitation of a sewage network in Kafr Ghan (Aleppo)
This project aimed to rehabilitate and extend the sewage network in Kafr-Ghan village in cooperation with Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD). This location was prioritized due to the spread of small swamps of sewage water in some streets caused by the leakage from blocked sewer lines, and surficial disposal of sewage in some streets without any sewage network, that poses a danger to hygiene and public health, and is one of the main reasons for the spread of WBD and leishmania.
Thanks to this project, completed in September 2020, we supported 609 people (344 females, 265 males) and provided them with improved access to sewage or other WASH infrastructure. During the implementation, IDD conducted mentoring sessions for the Local Council on the sustainable management of the sewage system to ensure the sustainability of the projects. After completing the project, IDD handed over the project to the Local Council, who will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system.
To contribute towards saving and sustaining lives of targeted conflict-affected communities in Northern Syria
The baseline food security assessments across the region conducted in the second half of 2020 showed that between 52-70% of targeted households (HHs) had borderline to poor Food Consumption Scores (FCS). In response to these needs, IDD in partnership with People in Need, started a food security project through Food Assistance (food baskets) in nine locations in the Azaz district in Aleppo Governorate.
IDD implemented the Food Basket distributions in Al Rayan camp and eight villages, Kafr Ghan, Baraghideh, Yan yaban, Qara Kubri, Mreigel, Hiwar Kalas, Albil, and Rael.
IDD targeted 16,203 individuals (3,000 households) for eight rounds during the first project by distributing 21,340 food baskets from November until July. By the beginning of August, IDD started preparing the new project for the year 2021-2022.
In mid of August 2021, IDD selected 3,260 households in the food basket project for eight rounds.
The first round took place at the end of August.
The construction of latrines for Martyrs School in Akhtrin (Aleppo)
In cooperation with Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD) this project aimed to construct new latrines and rehabilitate the sewage system in the school with a high number of students (in comparison with other assessed schools) without any restrooms. The project included the construction of eleven new latrines, the rehabilitation of the sewage system in the school, and its connection to the nearest line of the village’s sewage network.
This project was completed in August 2020, and 728 students were provided with improved access to WASH facilities. IDD ensured that the newly constructed latrines were gender, age, and disability friendly. After completing the project, IDD handed over the project to the education department at the Local Council, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system in cooperation with the school management.

The extension of the Sewage Network in Azaz village
This project improved access to sanitation for 5,250 people in Azaz village through extending sanitation network in parts of the village where was no sanitation network in place.
The Rehabilitation of Water Network in Suran Village
The project improved access to water for 4,900 people through rehabilitation of the water network for part of the village. The old water line had a small diameter, and the water pressure was too low to reach all beneficiaries.

The provision of garbage containers in Mare (Aleppo)
IDD provided the Local Council with garbage containers in cooperation with Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD). This location was prioritized due to the increase of the scattered solid waste in the village, especially in streets without garbage containers, and displacements to the village, which has created more pressure on the solid waste removal services.
This project was completed in August 2020, and 26,695 people now have improved access to waste removal services. During the implementation, IDD conducted mentoring sessions for the Local Council on the sustainable management of the solid waste removal service to ensure the sustainability of the projects. After completing the project, IDD handed over the project to the Local Council, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the project.
The rehabilitation of a sewage network and provision of a sewage pump for a septic tank in Arshaf (Aleppo)
Together with Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD), IDD rehabilitated the sewage network and placed one sewage pump for a septic tank to Arshaf village. Some streets did not have any sewage network or disposed to a septic tank with a broken sewage pump. That situation endangered public health since it is one of the main reasons for spreading water-borne diseases (WBD) and leishmania.
This project was completed in September 2020, and 850 people were provided with improved access to sewage or other WASH infrastructure. During the implementation, IDD conducted mentoring sessions for the Local Council on the sustainable management of the sewage system to ensure the sustainability of the projects. After completing the project, IDD handed over the project to the Local Council, responsible for operating and maintaining the WASH facilities at the school.